Loan Application Tips

  • 4 Reasons A Payday Loan Makes Sense

    5 May 2017

    There are many reasons to apply for a loan. Loans can help out in times when you don't have the resources to pay for certain things, such as a home, car, and more. More importantly, there are loan options for emergency situations. In these situations, a payday loan can help. Here are four specific reasons a payday loan makes sense: You an Get the Money You Need: Payday loan companies typically have a range of certain amounts they can give their customers who qualify.

  • How Old Student Loans Factor Into Bankruptcy

    6 March 2015

    Student loans are often one of the largest expenses in a young person's life, so if the possibility of filing for bankruptcy is on the table, it is important to know how these loans will affect your financial future after filing. There are two major ways you can have some or all of your student loans forgiven if you declare bankruptcy: the Seven Year Rule and proving that continuing to repay your student loans will cause undue hardship on you and your dependents.