Loan Application Tips

  • Getting Last Minute Funding For A Funeral

    28 December 2018

    It's an unfortunate truth that funerals can often be unexpected. Even if you know you're going to need to plan a funeral soon, you may be blindsided by some of the expenses. Luckily, you're not alone. There are many ways you can acquire funding quickly. Looking for Life Insurance Payments Not all sources of life insurance will be immediately obvious. Go through your loved one's old paperwork, consult with any family attorneys, and contact their place of work.

  • Mobile Merchant Services: Why You Absolutely Need Them

    12 September 2018

    Yes, your business is a stationary one. However, products and services are not. Mobile merchant services are the future, but the future has already arrived. Here are some mobile merchant services, and why you need them. Mobile Point-of-sale Systems Being able to accept payments on the go for services or products means never having to wait for checks to clear; and, knowing that your sales profits are accessible is a major benefit to these systems.

  • 4 Reasons To Use A Financial Planner

    25 May 2018

    If you're struggling with money or just don't know how to best allocate your income to plan for the future, it pays to hire a professional financial planner. They can help you better manage your money, learn new habits, and make great choices for the future. If you've never spoken with a financial planner, now is a great time to do so. Keep reading to better understand the reasons to use a financial planner.